Marice Jackson
Principal Advisor
Marice has over 25 years’ experience in client, consulting and construction roles within the transportation sector. Her experience extends through strategy, design and construction phases with a strong emphasis on project and programme delivery, people management and business acumen. She has lived and worked in both New Zealand and the UK.
Marice is a seasoned people and project manager. Her ability to communicate in a meaningful and concise manner across all organisational levels is coupled with strong organisational skills and delivery focus. Her career to date has afforded her a broad technical skill set across the whole project lifecycle. Marice was recently consultant Project Director for a significant panel contract with Auckland Transport. She advanced to Group Manager with her previous employer, overseeing their transportation design business in Auckland, Tauranga and Hamilton.
Marice holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with honours from Auckland University and a NZ Certificate of Engineering (Civil). She has completed numerous short courses across project management, health and safety (including construction and site safety), and people leadership and management.
Areas of expertise
Project and programme management
People and team management
Highways and traffic engineering
Transport planning and network operations
Workshop facilitation
Contract and tender documentation
Relevant projects
Traffic & Transportation Engineering Panel, Auckland Transport (2018 – 2019)
Marice was the consultant Project Director over this time for a lead supplier of professional services to Auckland Transport (AT) on this large multiyear panel contract, commonly referred to as TTEPs. The scope and contract value grew substantially with the increased government focus on road safety and active modes of transport, and the contract becoming more widely utilised across AT’s project delivery teams. This resulted in Marice overseeing and directing a large and technically diverse programme of projects which drew from multiple resources across the consultant’s business. Marice held Project Manager and Consultant’s Representative roles in AT’s predecessor panel contracts dating back to 2011.
Corridor Management Plans, Auckland Transport (2014 – 2015)
Marice held Project Manager and Project Director roles for two AT Corridor Management Plans (CMPs), namely Carrington/Mt Albert Roads and Rosebank/Patiki Roads. In addition to the overall management function, Marice provided technical advice drawing on her urban transportation experience from both Auckland and London, and sharing her experience in bus operations, road safety, cycling infrastructure, traffic engineering and network operations. She led a number of technical stakeholder workshops and authored substantial sections of the resulting CMPs and associated technical reports.
Rail Station Upgrade Programme, Auckland Transport (2011 – 2012)
Seconded to the AT Major Projects team, Marice was the client-side Project Manager managing the detailed design phase of a package of six rail station upgrades. She managed the external design consultant, engaged with internal and external stakeholders, prepared contract documentation, managed the tender processes for the letting of the physical works contract, and was part of the tender evaluation team.